Hackbright Graduate 2018
#ChangingTheRatio... one line of code at a time.

My Projects

A picture of a mountain.

Trail Quest

Trail Quest takes the analysis paralysis out of selecting your next hike. Using the Google Maps and Hiking Project APIs, users can specify their location and hike preferences and see a tailored list of trails near them. Users can select hikes they want to go on and save them to their profile. When users are ready to get trekkin', they can send directions to their mobile devices using the Twilio API. After completing trails, users are awarded badges. What gets you the Whistle Pig badge? Hit the trails to find out.

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The face of an orange and white dog.

All The Good Dogs

Relax and fetch some good dogs using ReactJS, Axios, and DogCEO API.

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A book shelf full of books lit by multiple incadescent light bulbs.

Red Umbrella Book Club's Book Chooser

Reading is awesome, but choosing a book can be tough. There are so many authors, so many books. Analysis paralysis abound! Red Umbrella Book Club's Book Chooser aims to solve that problem. Using The 2020 Tournament of Books from The Morning News and Python's Beautiful Soup, the Book Chooser chooses a book for you.

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